Monday, 31 August 2015

A Journey Part 1

On Saturday September 5th I will be hiking the Helm Creek traverse through Garibaldi Park for 3 days with my sister-in-law Robyn. I am nervous as shit as I have felt my body was so unworthy for so long. I didn't feel like an athlete anymore, I felt like I was meant to be less than and that was my lot. It is amazing what an eating disorder will do to distort the mind, body and soul. I am worthy of this hike, I am an athlete and I am blessed to have the support around me.

Prep Time...
160 gym hours increasing my cardio and muscle mass
Vastly reducing my sugar to next to nothing
Clean eating 90% of the time
Dealing with my eating disorder demons one day at a time and sometimes 5 minutes at a time.

Thank you to the Hubs for the love and support and letting me become a gym rat. Thank you to Things 1 and 2 for making me crazy enough that going to the gym at 5:30 AM alone feels like a fun thing to do. Thank you Blennifer for all the talks and helping me realize that I am in fact worthy. And lastly thank you to Robyn the gal who inspired me in the first place. Watching Robbie achieve her own goals inspired me to do my best.

4 more training day sand then I'm off!

Hugs & Shit

The Momma
                                                          A Colton add on to my hair.

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