Saturday 26 December 2015

Maybe it's the Rum

I'm supposed to be sleeping.

Have you ever sat there and had a thought about something that is just about to happen and then that thing actually does happen. It doesn't wow you like it should, as are you are in it and forget to see the tiny miracles that happen everyday. Unless you have a day like today. Today was one long deja vous. Today was like dream I once had that played out many years ago but bits and pieces come back as my long term subconscious tries to retrieve files that are buried so deep. When this happens to me then I know it is the universe's way of telling me I am on track. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I need markers in my life. They give me a sense of familiarity and give me the gift of perception. What is this thing called? Whatever it is I am grateful for it.

High Fiver!

Love The Momma

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