Thursday, 8 January 2015

2 year old logic...

An awesome mom says to me today, "Oh wow you got Thing 2 to wear gloves! My kids refuses to wear gloves." My response, "Yes he only wears gloves because they are red and it is a Thursday."

I open up a banana for Thing 2, it accidentally breaks in two. Banana is null and void.

Thing 2 drops his juice box and cries while pointing at it. I come along and pick it up and wipe it off. Thing 2 cries harder. I switch it with mine. Thing 2 cries even harder. I cut it open and put it in a cup. Thing 2 cries the hardest. Note to self: Ignore Thing 2 when he drops his apple juice, especially when he can reach it himself.

Give Thing 2 mac n cheese, his favorite, but not this week. Thing 2 wants ketchup. I put ketchup on Thing 2's plate beside mac n cheese. Thing 2 points at mac and cheese and cries. I put ketchup on mac n cheese. Thing 2 collapses into a pile of tear-snot ridden mess. He just wanted a pile of ketchup for lunch.

Put Thing 2 down for a nap. Thing 2 insists I lie down with him. I think Thing 2 is sleeping. I lift my head gently, Thing 2 forcefully puts his hand on the side of my head and pushes it back onto pillow.  Repeat 8 times over next half an hour. I give up.  Screw the shower, I am getting a nap.

Thing 2 got mad because I went to the bathroom and did not invite him.

Thing 2 got mad because Thing 1 looked at him.

Thing 1 got mad because Thing 2 looked at him.

Thing 2 got mad because his tiny tongue cannot reach the snot coming out of his nose.

Babies are such a nice way to start people.

Hugs & Shit
The Momma

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