Saturday 3 January 2015

I gots da poo rage!

Tonight, in the span of  2 minutes and 100 square feet.... Thing 1 took off his underwear and was showing his brother how to do the downward facing dog pose. Thing 2 tore off his diaper and found a hard little poo nugget in which he threw at me. Simultaneously, the hubs took a big shit in the en suite bathroom, door open, whilst giggling.  And lastly, my cat, took the turd of her life in her litter box adjacent to the bed. It all hit me at once. My olfactory receptors were assaulted.. The smells were accosting my senses. I could smell, taste, and even hear the poop sensations. And then it happened, I got a bad case of the poo rage. True Story.

The Momma

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