Tuesday, 13 January 2015


The Mayor of the city I live in, put it out there on Facebook, what are the top issues for our community for 2015. Great! He is polling for public opinion, I am a fan of that. Here were the responses...

"Last week I asked the question - what would your #1 priority for 2015 be? Here are the results, group by category with # of responses:
- Pedestrian Improvements (35)
- Road Improvements/Traffic Flow (27)
- Speed on Local Streets (16)
- Transit Improvements (14)
- Rec Centre Redevelopment (10)"

Clearly we have some on-the-move issues to work out but what interested me the most was not on the list at all, homelessness. My suburban city has been turning a blind eye to what literally surrounds us, which is, humans in need.  In many ways my city is new, innovative and trendsetting on many fronts; business support, wireless technology, environmentally friendly, etc. The city has even won awards for such innovations. But we are light years behind any sort of social programs for those in need. I know when it comes to the homeless and funding the municipalities turn to provincial for help and in turn provincial turns to federal for assistance. The problem is that each level of bureaucracy looks to each other and claims it is not my responsibility. In my opinion, it is everyone's responsibility.

Truth be told that many homeless people migrate to the lower mainland in the winter months simply because we do not get much snow and it is the warmest spot in Canada during this time. There are solutions to be had but we are so consumed with the idea of consumption we like to lay blame rather than take action.

My little city is surrounded by rivers. We have many homeless people camping out by the river banks at night. Which is a convenient for the out of sight and out of mind argument. There are beautifully innovative things being done to help those in need all over the world. I am wanting and hoping my city could put itself on the map for difference reasons other than business and start implementing these things such as; portable mini shelters, meals on wheels programs, medical assistance, addiction services, etc. Our current system is broken and we are all accountable to fix it. So if money is the bottom line for any sort of innovation in my city lets look at the long-term effects of putting homelessness on top of the priority list. It is a well known fact that providing services now will cut down on costs later. It feels gross to be connecting homelessness with a monetary value but when this issue is not even on the list I guess it is best to speak in their language.

I keep thinking about Maslow's hierarchy of needs; if the physiological and safety needs are being met then wondrous things can happen. Studies have shown that simply having a roof over a person's head and having a fixed address gives a person a chance at being integrated back into their community. Next, it provides them access to services they may need and in turn gives helper access into their world if they so need/want it. If someone has a fixed address, more appointments can be made and kept, more ways social service workers can get an idea of what is really needed as well.

I am rambling... just a few of my thoughts...I am sure I have missed a few...

HUGS and Shit

The Momma


                                                        Yeti says, "love everyone."


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have come to learn from the mayor himself that he started a nonprofit organization called www.homesforgood.ca I am excited to see and hear what they have to offer!!

  3. I think the homelessness problem is infinitely complicated. Money helps, affordable housing helps, but I think the association between mental illness and homelessness is often overlooked and that's why we are nowhere close to a solution. Hopefully addressing mental illness is part of our mayor's action plan, but is there a complete and permanent solution? I fear there is not. Although I have faith in our mayor, and have no doubt that he is smarter than I am.
