Thursday, 23 April 2015

The Fatvocate Strikes Again!

So today I met up with my lovely friend Blennifer and we headed over to the Tri-Cites Kids Health Fair. I have to say, first of all, good show. I applaud the organizers and organizations that came out and participated. Momma got some swag. Secondly, these things attract the mompetitors far and wide.

a mom who ascribes to be perfect and better in every way then the other mothers she encounters in her community- and who constantly preaches her parenting methodology to other moms to the extent that it is obvious their validation comes from convincing themselves they are doing a good job at child rearing.
You are at the playground with your kids. A casual chat begins between you and another mom. she asks you if your two year old is potty trained- when you reply your child is still in diapers, the mompetitor in her becomes apparent when she tells you how she toilet trained her kid at six months and a seal just died because of how much space your kid's butt is taking up in landfills. 

Maybe I am being unfair in my judgment but I ask how does one judge the judgers? I say bless them change me. 

Here is the scenario:

1) The Tri-Cities Dental Group is giving out free toothbrushes and toothpaste. Thing 2 loses his shit as toothbrushes are the best thing since Thomas the Tank Engine. Thing 2 demand to open toothbrush. I oblige; shit he wants to brush his teeth. You can't stop that. I know he is going to want to hold the brush for at least an hour. After Thing 2  had a good brush, I tell him just hold it and don't brush. He obliges. Thing 2 take toothbrush in hand to the mini hard plastic castle. Thing 2 is in there for all of 2 minutes when mompetitor #1 comes up to me and says, "You really need to take that toothbrush away from him." I responded with is he brushing his teeth? She said in all her confusion, "No." Is he stabbing the other children with his brush? She said, "No." Then I said, "Then he is fine thank you."

2) Grandmapetitor came up to me and said, "You know the face painting is for the children right?" See pic below for amazing face paint job. Face painters offered, I accepted.

3) Mompetitor overhears me calling Thing 2 "Rhys the Beast". That is his nickname right now. He loves it. He is a delightful beast. I am sure we will not be calling him that in the future but for now it is a loving and endearing nick name for him. She came up to me and said, "You should NEVER call a child a BEAST!" Can I say fuck off? And walk a mile? I didn't, but I wanted to.

 4) Thing 2 goes back to the dreaded hard plastic castle and is manning the door like a bouncer. I watch and observe for a bit. He is being a bit of a nut but he is letting kids in and out. Finally, Thing 2 had enough and held the door shut. I head on over and a mom is verbally fighting with my 3 year old. She said, "Little boy, you have to open the door!" She was in a right fit. I calmly open the door with my brute momma strength and jokingly replied, "He is not that strong, is he?" If looks could kill.

5) My son gets apple juice once a week. If you read my blog you will know that Thing 2's favorite foods in the world are :apple jew and fry." Today was his big day for apple juice. Since this is a healthy kids fair and all I watched a mompetitor look at Thing 2 HARD when he was guzzling his AJ down and then turned to her mompetitor pal and made comment about his AJ drinking. "My child will never... blah blah blah.."

Call me sensitive but I am sick of this judgment crap. Please tend to your own circus. Now I know there is value in many things that people have to say and I should take it with a grain of salt, <insert wisdom here>. BUT there comes a point where I don't want any of it; not today, not this week, how 'bout no. I am a broken record, "Other people's opinions are none of my business." I know this shit. I usually live this shit. Some days I just feel beaten down.

I have a theory. You all can call me on my shit if you's like but I have a slight tangent that I need to get off my chest. Now I am a big girl. I am happy with me and my body. I am a fatvocate. I am a strong. I am both a "good" and "bad" fatty. I guess you can say I just am. I am good with me. But you know who is not ok with me? A shit load of fat-hating, fat-shaming, anti-fat, just don't understand and impose judgments on me kind of people. I have been both "regular size" and fat and I can only speak from my experience. When you are fat lots people treat you different. People are more inclined to judge you and say shit to you thinking they are being "helpful". The range of topics are everything to what you eat, the food moderation talk to how you parent your child. I am not saying smaller moms don't get there share of mompetition but what I am saying is the prejudice is rampant with bigger folks and we get treated differently. I know, I know, I have no empirical evidence but I wonder how many times I would have been talked at today if I was a smaller mom? Fat shaming is one of the last acceptable forms of discrimination. I have been both sides of the fence and it ain't pretty. This is why I am a fatvocate. I am not lesser of a mom because of my size.

I am being sensitive, and thank Gord for that. 

HUGS & Shit

The Momma

                                                 I am so pretty.

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