Saturday, 17 October 2015

Adventures with Boobs

The weirdest shit I have ever found in my bra or stuck to my boobs...

Googly eye - just one, I looked down in my sports bra and unnervingly it was staring right back up at me.

Toothpaste - Late night out, want to do a quick brush before bed, toothbrush was oddly flavorless, didn't care in my altered state of awareness, woke up with minty fresh boobs. Whatevs.

Peanut - We don't have peanuts in our house, Thing 2 is allergic, WTF. What did I do that day?

Pine Needles - I am the fucking master at erecting the Christmas tree. Nuff said.

Sock - Laundry day, in a rush, somehow my right boob evened out in size to my left. Shit I'm magic, nope just a sock.

Bacon Bits - Sometimes I get excited about a salad. Don't judge.

Lego - You think stepping on lego hurts. Having a piece of Lego stab your boob is like having a unicorn stab you in the chest. It is rare but it can happen.

Mango - Not as sexy as you'd might think.

Snowball - Not as funny as you'd might think.

Bird Shit - Cleavage at a packed Aquarium Show. I don't care what you say, that is fucking lucky!

Ketchup - It is a great way to alarm those around you.

Hugs & Shit...

Than Momma

                                     Throw Back Saturday - Poetry Edition


  1. I once got undressed at the end of the day and a $20 fell outta my bra! Wes got all excited and asked if he could swipe his atm card!
