Friday, 30 October 2015


Halloween, Christmas, Easter Sunday
Don't fret here it comes another Monday
In the moment is strong and certainly not fleeting
strong and relentless soundless heart beating
My mind is flowin not even showin an ounce of compassion it just keeps going
That drug, that  rush that joke, that inability to feel my own throat
balling up my neck is so tight what the hell did I eat tonight
The list was long the list was dirty In a dark room feeling kinda surley
regretting and betting that tomorrow wont find me the drugs got a hold this shit has blinded me

How do I stand up and face tomorrow
sitting an wallowing in my own sorrow
basking in post addict climax never enough never not enough for this addict
My head it feels like in a vice
its just food I say it thrice
its not about food I say over again
get up tomorrow and love your own skin
This is the only way to deal with the affliction
for me when I deep, far down in my addiction.

Hugs & Shit

The Momma

"If I can be an example of getting sober, then I can be an example of starting over." - Macklemore

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