Friday 23 October 2015

"I'm Spiter-mee-yan."

So Spiderman has been living at my house for the past 11 days. He is starting to smell. Every morning Thing 2 picks out his "outfit" to wear and everyday as soon as everything has been put on I hear out of his adorable little face, "I'm Spiter-mee-yan." and will repeat said sentence until I say, "What? Tell me one more time who you are?" To which he replies, "I'm Spiter-mee-yan." I have come to learn that Spiter-mee-yan is afraid of certain things such as; the garage door, rubber chickens from the dollar store, preschool, unwanted food items on his plate, the water tornado as the bathtub drains. But do you know who is not afraid of these things? That's right, Thing 2. He harbors this belief that once the Spiter-mee-yan costume is on he then becomes afraid of things; once it is off he is solid. The mind of a 3 and a half year old is a precious labyrinth of confusing thought patterns and full of confusion and delay.

Hugs & Shit

The Momma

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