Tuesday, 2 December 2014

I learned this shit in Kindergarten

I was witness to something not so special today. A pal of mine online cut her hair and posted a picture. The majority of comments were not too kind. When I spoke up, which I like to do, I was given a come back that I have heard way too many times before."It is just my opinion and I am entitled to my opinion."  Now, you are probably thinking, it is just Facebook, so who cares right?! I think the comments speak volumes on how North Americans have a gross sense of entitlement and that their shit does not stink. What ever happened to if you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all? Some of the comments were, "Well it will grow back." That is a loaded statement. How is that statement kind or helpful? Does this person not know that her hair will not grow back?

I once had a (now former) FB friend write on his wall: "My pet peeves - women with skinny eyebrows and fat chicks in high heels." How is this helpful or kind? What these comments really do is shame people. We live in a looks-obsessed society and we put pressure on others to conform which makes us to be fearful and therefore we consume. We are buying into the beauty myth and distracted from the real purpose in life. To love and be loved. Am I distracted, hell yes, I am not immune to all this shit but what I can say is I am lucky enough I get to have my say and that yes, even if it is just a FB comments, I will still say something. I hope that people will think twice before spewing their projected vile out into the world under the guise of an "opinion".

BTW her hair is kick ass and she rocks it.

HUGS & spreading the love...

The Momma

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