Thursday, 5 February 2015

Threenager in the house!

So Thing 2 has become a threenager. Erh Merh Gerd.

The water bottle fell. Scream and point at water bottle.
The carrot is orange. Cry.
The milk is in the wrong cup. Get verbally abused in the ear.
Not enough ketchup on his plate. Pushes plate away.
Too much ketchup on this plate. Falls to ground in agony.
Wanted the "farnter ploont". Hits me when I ask what a "farnter ploot" is.
Demands ice cream. We do not have ice cream. Runs into couch and face-plants cushion.
Tell Thing 2 to pee-pee on the potty. Stands naked and pees on the cat and laughs like an evil villian
He asks for a crayon. I ask what for. He responds for painting walls. I say no. Thing 2 puts me in time-out.
Tell Thing 2 he is my sweet baby. Thing two responds with hands on hip and stink eye, "I'm a todd-wer!"
And Lastly, Thing 2 asks for apple jew and fry (apple juice and fries). I say no. Thing 2 runs with the reckless emotion.
I have always wondered what that would look like, running with a reckless emotion. Now I have seen it. It cannot be unseen and it is bloody fantastic.

HUGS & Shit

The Momma

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