Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Raw, Real, Food Addiction

I hold this story close to my heart…

A reporter once interviewed a man who was at the beginning of his weight-loss journey. The man was about to have gastric by-pass surgery. He was confined to a bed as he weighed over 750 pounds. The reporter asked how he got so big and the man could not give him a definitive answer. The reporter asked the man if he could come back in 5 years to interview him again to see how his weight loss journey was coming along. The man agreed. The reporter came back 5 years later just like he promised and was astonished to see the big man lose a tremendous amount of weight. He asked, the now 250 pound man, how he did it. The man responded with a good diet and exercise. The reporter congratulated the man and asked him if he could come back 5 years later to do a story on his progress. The man agreed. Five years later the reporter went back to the man and was flabbergasted to see that he had gained back all the weight and then some. The man now weighed in at 900 pounds. He asked the man how this happened. The man responded with, “I fixed the outside problem but failed to fix the inside one.”  The man passed away 3 months later.

Working out, food plans, lifestyle changes, moderation, diets, shakes, cleanses, fads; whatever you want to call it. If you are an over-eater or have an unusual relationship with food the inside issue is equally as important as the outside one. Learn to love yourself, try it. I dare you.

Hugs & Shit

The Momma
                                  I am a mom, I am awesome, and so are you.

Challenge issued: Name 3 things that you like about yourself and don't cheat by asking someone else. Write down those three things and give it a couple of sentences on why you like those things about yourself.

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