A short while ago I sent out my responses to the following thought-provoking questions. (see below)
I then put it out to you all and asked if you wanted to answer the questions and have it featured in my blog... Well here is the first set of answers I received... Here are Jennifer Cook's insightful responses:
Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
1. Because of greed. Because of a sense of entitlement. The ego. When we want, we suffer. When we don't get what we want we suffer. Desire and the inability to reach what we desire leads to suffering.
1. Because of greed. Because of a sense of entitlement. The ego. When we want, we suffer. When we don't get what we want we suffer. Desire and the inability to reach what we desire leads to suffering.
What is the relationship between science and religion?
2. Science is knowledge. Religion is belief.
Why are so many people depressed?
3. Because we are so out of touch with ourselves and each other. Because we live in a capitalist society that dooms us to fail by telling us we are not enough, that we need more. An endless cycle of greed & suffering.
What are we all so afraid of?
4. That we are unloved or unlovable.
When is war justifiable?
5. Absolutely never. There is never ever a reason to take another human life.
When is war justifiable?
5. Absolutely never. There is never ever a reason to take another human life.
How would a higher power want us to respond to aggression and terrorism?
6. With love.
How does one obtain true peace?
7. Through love, compassion, kindness & generosity to the self and others.
What does it mean to live in the present moment?
What is our greatest distraction?
8. Be. Here. Now.
Our own minds.
Is current religion serving its purpose?
9. If it is not taken out of context or harming others, yes.
What happens to you after you die?
10. Not sure, I've never died( that I know of). I'm not sure it even matters. All that matters is this moment.
Describe Heaven and how to get there.
11. Heaven is now. Being fully awake, breathing the air, smelling the flowers, having the sun or a warm embrace touch you. You get there by embracing & meeting each moment with awareness.
What is the meaning of life?
12. The meaning of life is to love and be loved.
Describe Higher Power.
13. Higher power is any force that you feel deeply connected to. Could be nature, a deity, God, the universe.
Describe Higher Power.
13. Higher power is any force that you feel deeply connected to. Could be nature, a deity, God, the universe.
What is the greatest quality humans possess?
14. Our greatest quality is compassion. To feel another person's pain and help them through their struggle.
What is it that prevents people from living to their full potential?
15. Fear.
Non-verbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world.
16. ...
What is your one wish for the world?
17. That we get out of our own heads. Look around, pay attention and end greed, desire, and suffering
What is wisdom, and how do we gain it?
18. Wisdom is being alive, existing with other humans. Learning to be in harmony with nature and each other. Also to love, the self and others is true wisdom.
Are we all One?
We are all one. Just in different forms. We are all connected. When we
harm another, we are also harming ourselves. The same as when we love
another, we are also loving ourselves.
Thank you Jennifer for your beautiful words!
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