Saturday, 16 May 2015

The One Q & A - Thought-provoking Questions

About 8 years ago I watched an amazing thought-provoking movie called, "The One". On this show the following 20 questions were asked to some very influential scholars, artists, spiritual leaders and teachers. Below I have answered the 20 questions to the best of my ability. I don't claim to know anything about anything these are just my thoughts.

***If you are interested in being interviewed with these 20 questions let me know and you will be featured on the Momma Show! I would love to hear your answers to these questions and I promise you will be met with no judgement and kindness! I am truly fascinated in what you have to say!***

Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
Money. Money creates and destroys as fast as it is produced.

What is the relationship between science and religion?
The relationship for science and religion starts at a quantum level. I believe to understand quantum you must be a bit of a spiritualist as quarks pop in and out of existence and only with the observer's attention does matter behave itself. You gotta have some faith around that. 

Why are so many people depressed?
Money. Desires people feel like have not been fulfilled. Hormonal imbalance dues to environmental changes. 

What are we all so afraid of?
Being alone, feeling unloved, and not knowing.

When is war justifiable?
Never ever ever never

How would a higher power want us to respond to aggression and terrorism?
With a creative solution that does not kick off more aggression. Forms of creative responses to aggression have already happened. Gandhi for instance. I am not saying passive resistance is the answer to all but there has to be many peaceful strategical ploys to try in different aggressive situations. Is there a position at the UN for that? If not, there should be.

How does one obtain true peace?
Loving oneself, to be at service to others with compassion and with unconditional love. 

What does it mean to live in the present moment?
Quieting the mind, to feel your own physical body, and to experience a moment free of attachment. 

What is our greatest distraction?
Money, celebrity, the false dreams, twerking, Cable TV, adverts etc...

Is current religion serving its purpose?
It is when the religion preaches unconditional love and to be at service to others with no judgement.

What happens to you after you die?

I believe you are met on the other side by deceased loved ones from current to past lives. You are shown your life and go through an inventory of life lessons. You look in on your loved ones who are currently living. You get to check out all the neat mysteries that have never been solved or have been hidden from public view. I always imagined that I get to really find out who shot JFK from the grassy knoll, what really happens in area 51, and where the treasure is buried on Oak Island in Nova Scotia. etc... I also cannot wait for helping my loved ones in the living world and to see how the world turns out.

Describe Heaven and how to get there.

Heaven is everywhere including in other solar systems and galaxies. Size is relative. I can't wait to see that we are in a forgotten science experiment in a glass mason jar on someone's shelf left in the garage.

What is the meaning of life?

To love and to be loved.

Describe Higher Power.
Faith and Quantum physics. To me higher power is nothing more that the act of faith. I have faith tomorrow is coming. I have faith that the universe has got my back. I have faith that matter assembles it self to me every morning when I open my eyes to experience the day. I have faith that whatever is doled out to me in this lifetime I can handle and if I can't I have friends and family to help. Faith is everywhere, you don't have to go looking for it.

What is the greatest quality humans possess?


What is it that prevents people from living to their full potential?

Fear and abuse

Non-verbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world. 

You had to be here.

What is your one wish for the world?

Spiritual evolution. I am hoping for a massive spiritual paradigm shift!

What is wisdom, and how do we gain it?

Experiencing life and all its ups and downs and a big dollop of listening.

Are we all One?

Absolutely, without a question.  Our quantum fields are not solitary. If you have a soul and observe the world you have an effect on absolutely everything.

***If you are interested in being interviewed with these 20 questions let me know and you will be featured on the Momma Show! I would love to hear your answers to these questions and I promise you will be met with no judgement and kindness! I am truly fascinated in what you have to say!***

Hugs & Shit

The Momma

                                             The Beautiful Quantum Field

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