Monday, 25 May 2015

20 Spiritual Questions with Kim Downey

Hello Blogger Readers!
A short while ago I sent out my responses to the following thought-provoking questions. (see below) 

I then put it out to you all and asked if you wanted to answer the questions and have it featured in my blog... Well here is the first set of answers I received... Here are Kim Downey's insightful responses: 

Why is there poverty and suffering in the world?
Government corruption, uneven distribution of resources, misplaced values, a perception of shortage that leads to a refusal to share.

What is the relationship between science and religion?
I am not religious and even less scientific. This hazy understanding of both fields has me believing that they do not have to be mutually exclusive. Science could one day prove the existence of a higher power. However, the existence of a higher power is a really just a small part of religion as a societal construct. So... define religion?

Why are so many people depressed?
Well, chemical imbalance for one. Beyond that, lack of fulfillment.

What are we all so afraid of?
Shortage, danger, isolation, death.

When is war justifiable?
I don't know, but I think there are times when it is. I am grateful to live in a country with abundant resources, protection of human rights, and a general sense of safety. If any of these things were threatened -- I don't know. I have visited countries whose citizens have felt that the wars taking place around them were necessary, such was the strength of their convictions when what they loved came under attack. I don't know.

How would a higher power want us to respond to aggression and terrorism?
I would think with love and understanding. Kumbayah. xo

How does one obtain true peace?
By fulfilling one's purpose. How does one identify one's purpose? Believe me, if I knew, I'd tell you.

What does it mean to live in the present moment?
To take a sledgehammer to all Apple products (see below). Seriously, I think it is keeping the senses open and doing your best at the work that is put in front of you, whether that is fetching your kid a cup of milk or splitting the atom.

What is our greatest distraction?
Apple products.

Is current religion serving its purpose?
In some cases, certainly. I know individuals and communities for whom religion is serving its purpose. And many for whom it is not. Globally, I think there's a long way to go on this.

What happens to you after you die?

The older I get, the less I believe in an afterlife. And I am surprisingly okay with that.

Describe Heaven and how to get there.

See above. I don't think I believe in Heaven. I believe that individuals can achieve peace here on earth, through much searching and work.

What is the meaning of life?

Today, I will say that the meaning of life is to serve. Serve others - first your family and friends, then your community, then, if you figure out how, the world. And throw a little love your own way too. Tomorrow, my answer may be different.

Describe Higher Power.

Higher power is a sense of purpose, hopefully in the service of another person, a principle, or a cause.

What is the greatest quality humans possess?


What is it that prevents people from living to their full potential?

Fear and seriously out of whack priorities.

Non-verbally, by motion or gesture only, act out what you believe to be the current condition of the world. 

I am shrugging my shoulders.

What is your one wish for the world?

For me, this is the hardest question. I will speak only about the world around me, the culture I live in. I wish we would acknowledge the power of art (visual art, music, literature, great film and TV) to change the way we think and behave, and as a byproduct of this, place more value on it and less on celebrity, professional sports, and business.

What is wisdom, and how do we gain it?

Wisdom is accepting that so much is beyond our control. We gain it through experience.

Are we all One?

No. I don't think it is possible to be, at least not as we currently are, with our limited ability to truly understand each other. Perhaps, though, the ultimate purpose of the human race is to achieve oneness, if we survive that long.

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