Monday, 22 June 2015

Love Thy Neighbour

A Mini Blog within a Blog, Blog Part I
Being a fat-advocate can be compared to the likes of feminism. If you do not know what feminism is the assumptions are made that you are an angry, man-hating woman when it couldn’t be further from the truth. As a fat-advocate I support all bodies’ shapes, weights, and sizes.  I do not shame skinny, fat, or fit people nor put them on a pedestal. All bodies need to be loved and supported equally. A fatvocate like me calls out cowards when they make unhelpful comments or give unsolicited advice. A fatvocate only wants body acceptance and self-love for everyone. A fatvocate is not out to make you fat and nor to make you feel bad about yourself. A fatvocate breaks down the notion that a size 14 and under equals good where size 14 and up equals bad. A fatvocate endorses nothing but love for other human beings. A fatvocate supports whatever healing journey you have with your body without judgement. Sounds awesome right?

A Mini Blog within a Blog, Blog  Part II
Since the advent of fitness, health, obesity, food articles and opinion pieces have been posted on the internet the well-intentioned and trolls come out. Everyone starts spouting off their two cents about why they think obesity is on the rise and how it is a financial drain on the economy. Hold up. Wait a minute. Let’s put this in to perspective people. These are classic distraction tactics that you have bought into, hard. The “War on Terror” is a drain on the economy, white collar crime is a drain on the economy, corporate excess, and human-driven environmental disasters are drains on the economy. This fat distraction is nothing more than that, a distraction. Yes obesity is on the rise, so are a lot of things. These articles are platforms for ignorant people to take out their frustrations and to help perpetuate the indoctrination of the beauty myth. You’ve been had. The truth is there is so much more happening in this world and propaganda has us so focused on the inane details of other people’s lives; hence, our obsession with reality TV and the Kardashians. What I desire are articles that have not been sponsored or driven by “hits” and “likes”. I want critical thinking. I want articles that have compassion and real information that are not influenced by corporate ties. Everyone has become an expert and a drone at the same time and this is very dangerous yet conducive to sheep-like mob-mentality behavior that subdues the masses so we become apathetic and more accepting of simple thoughts that require little to no thinking. It is easier to point the finger than to find out why. 

A Mini Blog within a Blog, Blog  Part III
For a long while it was a social faux pas to call out anyone on their weight whether it was to mock, judge or give unsolicited advice in anyway publicly. The only times I have ever been fat shamed have been in a places where cowards felt they could get away with it with little to no repercussions.  Since the advent of social media everyone’s thoughts and feeling on the matter have been supported by “opinion-pieces”, “quack pseudo-scientists”, and any Tom Dick or Janey who thinks they are a doctor, nutritionist and expert in all things because they “know someone” but they have no fucking clue what it is really all about. People who have no compassion ranting and raving on the internet about how it is so easy; just stop eating so much, exercise, calories in and calories out bru-ha-ha. The solution is so much more complex than that. Obesity in itself has layers of complexity which require much explanation; more than I feel like getting into. There are so many factors to consider. I am not going to quantify at this time because quite frankly it I don’t owe anyone any explanations. I do not apologize for my place in the world.  I am me and you are you. I love you as you are, can you love others unconditionally?

Hugs & Shit
The Momma

 "Call them $%!*@ and hide behind the keys of a message board."

I chose this picture because Macklmore and Mary Lambert promote love and acceptance is such incredible ways. I salute you!

"The eat right, exercise, health mantras need to be used appropriately and not for fat-shaming purposes."  

"If you are worried for someone's health due to obesity, love them, it is the most healing thing in the world."


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