Monday, 1 June 2015

Shit Went Down at the Shoppers Drug Mart

I was at Shoppers Drug Mart tonight filling my prescription and as I usually do. I like to wander the isles with no kids and enjoy reading shampoo bottles and travel magazines. It's kinda my gig on a post-gym Monday night. My prescription was filled in a flash and so I took my tins of tuna, shampoo, paper towels, tissues, and Nat Geo magazine to the front to pay for the rest. I get to the cashier and put my items on the counter. I asked her how her night was going, making pleasant small talk. She wasn't having any of it. No problem, I used to work retail, I get it. I then held up my already bagged pre-paid prescription and announced, "Just my prescription." and placed it in the bag for her. That is when shit got real and weird. She took out the prescription bag in a huff and put it with the rest of my stuff and said with attitude, "No, no this is my bag, my groceries, I will bag them how I want." I thought she was joking so I gave her my best puppy dog eyes and pouty lip. Shit, I think I was just told. She gave me the lower lip back, I smiled and she did not. I was silent and could not wait to get the fuck out of there. It was all weird and funny at the same time. She then said, "I hope you were not offended by what I just said." I sheepishly said, "Well yeah, I was just scolded like a 5 year old kid." She quickly responded with an astounding, "Oh sweetie, don't be offended, that is how I talk to everybody." I put on my puppy dog eyes and innocently fired back, "Oh dear, that is not good." She just shrugged. I then tried to pay for my shit as fast as I could. She then got mad because I put my debit card in too quickly and then she got even more annoyed when I had the body language of I want to get the hell out of here and the receipt was 100 meters long and still printing. I got to the car and I had a good laugh. It was a weird, funny, and a slightly abusive transaction with another human being. It also got me thinking, she must really hate her job, her life, or possibly had a really bad night. She probably has an amazing story, or not. Bless her. I hope her night gets a little better. I know mine did.

HUGS & Shit

The Momma

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