Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Bear poop and other things that really matter.

Today was a good day.

Woke up at 7:30 AM ugh. Thing 2 had successfully tore down his black out curtains. kudos kid. well done you. SO buff. Thing 1 snuggled up beside me with his feet in my back. classic. Why is it when kids come into the parent bed they sleep perpendicular? 50 points for knowing perpendicular. Go downstairs, breaky of frozen waffles and yogurt. According to the Things the toaster takes too long. I noticed the watermelon I gutted the night before was left on the counter infested with fruit flies. So naturally, In the name of science, I will leave it there until such time when high security clearance scientific experiments can be performed. Or I get unlazy and put it in the garbage. (JUST NOT IN THE SINK - my husbands voice yelling in my brain) We get dressed and out we go. It is Gates park day! This park scares the shit out of me. Thing 2 is a daredevil and does not know the meaning of safety or heights. Thank goodness they lose interest quickly. We head to the field and kick around the ball. Thing 1 wants Thing 2's ball but Thing 1 will not let Thing 2 have his ball. Thing 2 becomes enraged and tackles Thing 1. Things roll around. Thing 2 sits on Thing 1's back, grabbing him by the hair, and rides him like a horse. Thing 1 laughs. This angers Thing 2. I sit and watch the drama unfold. Just when it was going to be come a slap fight I interrupt with a "Boys! It is time for chocolate milk!" All is resolved as they made a beeline to the fish n chipy place. Shared chocolate milk with no issues funkin miracle. Then we head to the paved trail. I cannot believe how much bear scat is on the side of the trail. I brought sidewalk chalk and circled every single bear dump. It seemed funny at the time, then I felt nervous. As we walked we stopped every 100 meters and wrote some inspirational stuff like: "You are heard, You are seen, You are loved!", I drew a big circle and wrote, "If you are traveling with a loved one stand in this circle and hug, yes I mean you!", I wrote not far from that, "Get it off your chest!" with an arrow pointing at some chalk I left behind. Anyway, you get the point. It was fun! It was super neat to see what people wrote in response! Even my tic-tac-toe game got completed. So what is the point to all of this? HAVE FUN! Life is supposed to be fun. Hand over you stress to the universe, its got your back. As for the Things they liked to lick the chalk off of their fingers. weirdos.

Thing 2 bail count - at least 8
Thing 1 bananer count - none (more rotting bananas to make muffins with)
No fig bars to count - YES.
Pieces of chalk used - 7
Moral of the story - lick the chalk off your hands it is cheaper than using wipes

Hugs & Shit

The Momma

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