Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Friends Don't Let Friends Text and Cut Grass...

Inspirational Quote:
If there are an infinite amount of numbers then there are infinite ways of naming numbers, therefore my favorite number is:
 Now that you know the intimate details of my life, what is your favorite number.

So today happened which is a miracle upon itself.  Woke up at 8:00 AM to crazy landscapers weed whacking the shit out of an odd shaped, lumpy, hunk of grass and the ride-em mover guy doing 30km/hour texting and cutting in my back yard. It was quite alarming actually. If there was a dog or a small child, there would have been most certainly a swerve or two. So weird they go from doing next to nothing all day to landscaping on speed. I betcha they wanted to get off early or the big boss did a spot check. I don't blame them, so nice out.

So Thing 2 slept until 9:30 AM, must be nice. It is all of those late nights with dad. arg. This means Thing 2 will not nap today. It is a vicious cycle! Thing 1 asked me to turn on the tablet for him while I was still half asleep. He accidentally bonked me on the head with a corner of it. To which I responded, "OK universe I am awake!" I then heard a small sigh of relief from the natural hum of the earth. Too out there for you? Well, too bad muggle!

A quick synopsis of today...
10:30-11 AM Walk on river trail
Things run and ride bikes
11:00-12:00Go to rhymes with Blions Park today
12:00-12:30 Went to river to chuck rocks
12:30-1:30 Walked into cute little Downtown ate lunch at the fountain
1:30-3:00 Walked trail to Park that rhymes with Belks Park
3:00-3:15 Walked home

All that fresh air and Thing 2 refuses to nap after all of that. Classic.
It took forever to go from one place to the next. But I have learned that with kids it is about the journey not the destination. It is the takeout and not the healthy shit you packed. It is about what they want in that moment not for the greater good. <Insert ominous voice> "The greater good." (50 points if you get that reference.)  It is about sitting when your feet are tired and lying down in the road when you simply cannot go on. It is about eating food off the ground even though mom said just leave it there for the squirrels. It is about the joy in every little thing that amuses them and within the next second crying because your brother touched your leg. It is about the mini heart attacks the momma gets when the Things to crazy stupid toddler/preschooler shit. It is about loving them on the roller coaster with no lap bar, just stay on and hold on for your fucking life. weeeeeee!

No fig bars to count
Thing 1 bananer count: 2
Thing 2 bail count: 5 that I saw
Polar Fucking Express-free days: 10

Hugs and SHit

The Momma

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