Monday, 2 June 2014

Captain Climate Control!

Today... the time was 5:30 PM. My awesome tutoring client has arrived. No hubs to be found. I have managed to feed kids, get dressed up for meeting, clean kitchen, changed bedsheets, tidy house, scrub out deep fryer, put away endless toys, empty dishwasher and get 3 loads of laundry done. I even shaved my legs! BAM! Super mom day. I am tutoring awesome kid, my Things, unsupervised, are watching Thomas the Train and all jacked up on the tablet. Hubs finally comes home, kinda late. Awesome tutoring kid asks for glass of water. I go upstairs. See hubs. Give him a hug. He asks what the bag of garbage is in the sink. (snarky mcsnarkerson)  I say it is the watermelon rinds from an entire watermelon. Hubs pet peeve is garbage in the sink. I have double bagged the rinds. Hubs is annoyed. I have put watermelon rinds in the garbage before and it makes a terrible watery slush mess, I was told not to put them there. I thought I was doing something right! I rarely take out garbage. We have determined that garbage is the hubs chore, nothing new. He complains about the garbage again. I calmly say to him, "Take a look around" and then walked out of the room like a BOSS! Yeah that's right.
The airing of the grievances!

The momma's pet peeves: Find hubs socks everywhere, little shaving hairs everywhere and I mean everywhere, burning tire farts in bed, used boy toilets, leaving the ironing stuff out every Monday for me to put it away, rearranging my work, origami folding my t-shirts, trying to teach me how to fold a fitted sheet, refolding my towels, newspapers on the dining room table all the time, putting the kids to bed waaaay to late, strangely obsessive about home climate control...etc...

Note to all the hubs out there reading this.... look around first then lodge a complaint. If the house is spotless and the children are happy and all you have to do is sit down and eat after coming home from work, just sit and enjoy. The hubs realized his faux pas and now owes me a foot rub or something. For the record I have an amazing hubs he is just usually a stress mess when he gets home from work. Doesn't mean I get all 1950s prozac on him, just means I get to call him on his shit and in turn he gets to call me on mine and thank Gord for that!

Thing 1 bananer count 1
Thing 1 watermelon count 1
Thing 2 bail count 4 that I saw
No funkin' fig bars to count

**Note to all potential parents out there... when you give your child the middle name Fox, it will come out as a swear word for a few years**

Hugs and Shit

The Momma
                                                                The Garbage Natzi

                                                            Captain Climate Control
                                                            The best hubs award 2014

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