Today was "Takin' the Bus Friday." Every Friday Thing 1 announces it is the day to take the bus! My schedule-lovin' son-of-a-bitch. Now if you have ever lived with someone who has Aspergers and has anxiety this is the day to live! Thing 1 loves buses and is obsessed with schedules and times but kick in the anxiety and he is captain stress mess but through it all loves every minute of it. Go figure. Once again, I am baffled. Today, while on the bus, Thing 1 asked me approximately 24 times which bus we were on and which bus we were getting on next, which mall we were going to and what the schedule was going to be once we got inside the mall. Classic. Then asked me what was the number of each bus we saw on our journey. Just when you think you are done... repeat the line of questioning. Bless him. He also asks me what we are doing next and what are we doing tomorrow. My brain goes on auto pilot, I start agreeing to things that I had no idea what he had just said. I think I owe Thing 1 an ice cream, a Thomas Train Set and maybe even a puppy. He won't forget, I guess I will find out later. Thing 2 is into a nose picking phase. Now I know all kids nose pick BUT Thing 2's nose picking habits are with other people's noses. Thing 2 did a hard-core, surprise attack, nose picking on me on the bus. I swear he touched brain. Thing 2 laughed. Thing 1 laughed and then I felt it. I felt the warm flow of blood. Classic. I have never in my life had my nose picked so hard by someone else that is bled. Thing 2 clapped and laughed at the sight and Thing 1 freaked out. I grabbed a diaper from the bag and it did the trick. Everyone needs a good bus story. Today the passengers on the C36 just got theirs.
Thing 2 bail count: 6 that I saw
Bus Friday Bus count... 22
No fig bars to count
Thing 1 bananer count 1
Rocks found in my purse 5
I am such a lucky mom to be blessed with 5 rocks to call my own and 2 boys to make a home.
Hugs and Shit
Yes, the Hubs is pinching the cheek of Bob Hallet from Great Big Sea. And I am getting a side hug from Alan Doyle. Best. Day. Ever.
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