Sunday 18 May 2014

Goose Eggs, Fig Bars and Monster Trucks

Today was a gooder Clark.

Highlight of my day... Being tackled by thing 2, Thing 2 sitting on my head as I lie helpless on the ground, my hair all in my face and I cannot see anything and thing 1 playing monster trucks with me. We push back and forth this bowling ball sized monster truck and all I can hear the the whirling of the monster truck coming towards my face. I stick out my arm, still blinded and concussed from Thing 2 now bouncing on my head with his butt. I did not put my arm out in time and CRASH! It hurt so funkin bad but I laughed and cried a little as all the boys in the house including my hubs laughed. A lot. It was funny, so was the goose egg. Classic momma and fam moment. Love it. Luckily when I get hurt I laugh.

We gots da fig bars from Costco! I was informed by the hubs that I did not account for a couple of bars last time. He said this is my last chance! I am feeling a bit stressed. My kids future of eating fig bars lies in my hands. The pressure is too great. So box is not opened but tomorrow will be the start of the great fig bar hunts.

Thing 2 bail count 1! Thing 1 bananer count zero - we ran out. Fig bar counting anticipation level - high.

Love the Momma

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