What the hell happened this weekend?! I blinked that is what happened! Friday night I played my first softball game in 3 years. The first hits, first throws, first everything in 3 years. I am not a competitive person by nature but I can be incredibly hard on myself. You put me down, I have already down that to myself ten fold. It is not something I am proud of, it is a character defect and I am working hard to let it go. I promised myself that when I play, I play to have fun and have no expectations of myself. Bloody hell, it worked. I calmed the fuck down. I did my thing and did just fine. I mention all of this because if it wasn't for parenthood I don't think I would have learned this very valuable lesson. That's right, you heard me, the Things leveled me out and taught me to chill out because after all it's just laundry. So Friday night was awesome, thank you friend that rhymes with Blavis. You have a very fun team and I am so happy and grateful I get to be a part of it in some way. So Saturday... I woke up to Thing 2 yelping in his room. What the hell? Why yelping? Then I quickly remember that he is 2. Yelping is fun. I get ready for work... I have 5 students today... back to back. 5 hours of non-stop teaching nuttiness. My tutoring methods are sometimes unconventional. I find it necessary for all the ADHD energy I deal with. I love it. I really really do. There is nothing better than seeing a kid's light bulb go on after tedious work on a difficult concept. Mind Blown. Love it. After the 5 hours of hoopla a pal of mine picked me up and we went for a massage and a yummy prevening meal. It was so nice to eat while food was hot and to talk with another adult with out hearing Momma! every 20 seconds. I need a "Momma!" counter. It would probably be over 150 mommas/day. Came home from a divine afternoon of spa and good pal that rhymes with Blym. I get home to chaos. I mean really I have not seen my family all day which was really fucking nice and sad all at the same time. make sense? The hubs was on a cleaning tirade and that means he is a angry combine harvester. You just get the fuck out of the way. Don't ask questions. Don't look at him. Don't even try to hug him. But boy I do not complain as shit was getting clean and I had NOTHING to do with it. This really should have been the weekend of the momma. All things came up momma. The hubs finished up, I helped a little where I could. The Things were doing a fine job of watching Shrek and staying out of the way. By the way Polar Fucking Express is so last month and Shrek is in. All day, in my head... "Then I saw her face... now I'm a believer..." I have started to rewrite the lyrics and singing them out loud... "I'm a big stress case... I'm a golden retriever.." This is common practice in my house. Most of the time when I sing a song, the lyrics will be wrong not even on purpose. One of many wonderful benefits of living with central auditory processing disorder. It makes life very humorous as what I hear verses what you say can be a very funny thing. Also I have a hard time with word retrieval (tip of the tongue syndrome - but perpetually) A while ago I could not get the word regurgitation out of my mouth (pardon the pun) so I said bird throw up instead. This can lead to what the hubs calls... "Shit my wife says" It's a gift really. SOoooo after the combine harvester finished we chilled put the kids to bed and then Rumoli happened. So. Much. Fun. Super Fun shout out to Blickayla, Blank, Blathy, Blavis, Blike and Blelly. Went to bed, woke up... a tiny bit hung over. Not really. Just tired. Tutored 2 kids, off to my second game in 3 years. I did alright. No complaints. Note to self... run faster. Post game - grocery shopped by myself. Had to go to Stupid Store as the hubs was with out coffee. Shit goes down when the hubs does not have coffee. Captain Cranky-Pants/combine harvester. Go to Stupid Store and not my cute little No Frills. I HATE STUPIDSTORE. just sayin'. It should not take 2 hours to grocery shop. I hate the layout. sticker-shock compared to no frills. It was a rainy Sunday. ugh. Everyone in the Tri-Cities was there including the kid who peed her pants in the middle of the produce section. Awesome. So go home and it was really the first time all weekend I got to spend time with my kids for any length of time. It was awesome. I built a blanket fort, we all got in. I closed it up. I farted something fierce, then I left. I hot boxed the Things with my fart. best. day. ever. Thing 2 has a new fake laugh. So cute and cheesy. Thing 1 demanded I go on all fours so he can ride me like a donkey like in Shrek. awesome. creativity is a flowin'. Thing 2 rammed his fist into my mouth, again, causing me to gag, again. Shot off a cheesy fake laugh and then I was done for. I could not stop laughing and he could not get over how easy it was to make me gag. I wanted to puke a little. Thing 1 played in the garage for 10 minutes with the door open without us knowing only in his underwear. Classic and Classy. And Lastly the HUbs the awesome hubs who gave me a weekend with no complaints... then I looked at the schedule... riiiight... next two weekends are his! Smart Hubs. What a schemer bajeemer. So now it is working on the biz, naturally. Blogging as I am being a tad neglectful.Here is what is on my mind...and on my excel spreadsheet...
The Momma's to do list...
Finish off Biz taxes
Finish Develpong new classes
Register Thing 1 for a couple of Summer classes
Read Autism binder
Prep for meeting with social worker on Tuesday
Interview and hire consultant for Thing 1
Register for the CAN Network
Thing 1 immunizations ugh
Thing 1 pool fete planning
Get babysitter for 3 different dates
Prep business booth for even on Friday
Prep/photocopy and buy items for Friday's event
Mail Tupperware to Alberta
10 Tupper customers who need orders/warranties and or have questions
Pay visa
dentist appointment rebook
call back 3 people who left me messages
return library books
sew up some clothes that need to be fixed
pick up d&D characters for student
And more...
I am not complaining... not at all. I love my life. I love my family, friends and people in general. People are funny and that makes it worth all the while. Finding joy everywhere.
HUGS and shit
The Momma
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