Tuesday, 20 May 2014

BEES! Your firearms are useless against them!

Just finished up on 3 hours of lesson plans. BAM! like a boss. I want a cookie.

Lesson with a kid...
Famous, infamous and notorious
Here are his sentences he wrote...

You do not want to be famous, trust me. 
I am infamous for my sentence structure.
I am notorious for not replacing the toilet paper roll.

Funny kid.

What a fantastic long weekend! The other night we went to rhymes with Blavis and Raffi's place for a fun park/food/chat visit. Very fun. A very loud shout out to rhymes with Bale's for a fun time. Blavis and Raffi Bale you rock. And thanks for all the bananas.

So what the hell did we do today?

Rain... no rain... ahhhhh! Our plans changed with the passing of the clouds. Finally we got our shit together and headed out to Choo Choo's Restaurant out in Langley. We got to sit in the family room which was filled with train tables, a funkin' train diorama and a Thomas that did laps around the room. It was the first time since having the boys that we could go to a restaurant and not care about them playing or bothering others. Everyone's kids were playing and having an awesome time. The hubs and I got to even chat without the Things terrorizing the vicinity. Must go Back.

Then we headed out to the apiary. BEE FARM! I love bees. Thing1 harassed me for a honey stick and Thing 2 decided to play with a bouncy ball on the ground in front of the cash register. Classic. It was post nap time for Thing 2 so he felt most comfortable lying on the ground after a while. Every time I went to pick him up he whined. I left him there. People were great as they stepped over him and said awww he is so cute. They have no idea he is a part-time terrorist. We finally got the honey and got outta there. nom nom nom... honey. Got home, Thing 2 nap, Thing 1 bike ride, then I went to work. Home based biz, biz. I love my job, I really do. My commute is a bitch, but what do you do.

Dinner, play with Things. Thing 2 took out Thing 1 with a classic around the waist tackle. Impressive. The Things rough house. So adorbs until someone cries. Someone always cries. The hubs and I take bets who is going to cry first. It's a crap shoot. Put the Things to bed. Back to work. Lesson plans from 8:30-12:00. Blogging from 12:30-1ish. 12:30... curious? I drank tea. I sat. All by myself. While it was still fucking hot. Nailed it.

So back to the beeeeeees! One day when The hubs and I no longer live in a strata we will have boxed hives in the backyard. My cousin has bees in her backyard in East Van. Very Impressive. Apparently my ancestors were bee keepers!? So cool.

Today's tally...
Thing 2 bail count... lost count, over 10
Thing 1 bananer count 2
Fig bars... kids still have not clue they are in the house
Nobody touched the poop today
The hubs beautified the deck

Sweet Jesus it is 1 AM.
Hugs and Shit
The Momma

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