Tuesday 13 May 2014

Amoeba's and Typical Days

So many things come to mind when I give myself a night off from the biz, life, obligations etc... and you know what I did?! I went to shoppers Drug Mart and looked at every fucking thing I wanted to. Ah bliss. Now I come home to reality and I think about my growing to do list and I say screw it. What to do next? I was thinking maybe shaving my legs, bah it smacks of effort. Then I though a nice cuppa and a book, nah too something, whatever not feeling it. Then I though ooooo a early nights sleep. Nope, that would turn into a good hour of lying on my bed thinking of all the things I could blog about which leads me to here...

I have nothing to blog about.

It was a standard day. Thing 2 cried because I touched his leg. Thing 1 made me play in the sprinkler.
Thing 2 fell off the couch, again. Thing 1 made me high five him every time he had a bite of cereal.  Thing 2 bit me on the stomach. Thing 1 farted on my hand. Whatevs it was a standard classic day at my house. And for that it was magical and special and for that I am ever so grateful.

Hugs and Shit
The Momma

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