The Day in the Life of a Stay at Home Working Mom.. nailed it so imperfectly and thank goodness for that!
Up at 8:30 AM - holy shit it was amazeballs. sleeping in was beyond glorious.
Kids playing and me tackling the never ending to do list until 11AM
Hubs and Things in the car off to Dr. for 11:30 AM
Dr. from 11:30-12PM
Hardware store, where my hubs can feel like a Tim the tool man Taylor for 20 minutes.

Thing 1 school at 1:15 PM
Head home
Thing 2 nap
Hubs doing something with bought items at hardware store
Me - lesson plan, gather up library returns, check mail, answer questions from prospective clients, write cheque for school supplies pack, drop off cheq and order form at school, drop off said library items, pick up a few items on hold at library and dash over to Colton's class for 2:15PM
2:15 PM - 2:45 PM MOTHERS DAY TEA at Thing 1's school. So freaking cute
wolf down hot tea and cupcake. watched the cutest concert. Chatted with awesome mom.
I got recruited for the school PAC - fack
Must learn how to say no
who am I kidding
I am such a joiner
Boot outta there with Thing 1 in tow, head home
Drop off Thing 1 with Nana and Gramps
Pick up hubs from home
Drive to Thing 1's school
Meet with principal, resource room teacher and community support worker.
Meeting from 3-3:45 PM
Go to library again as hubs needs stuff.
Tell hubs we are on a library date sans kids
Hubs looks at me sideways with a what?! look on his face.
Tell hubs never mind, go date yourself.
15 minutes in library - mini vacay
Ask librarian for a sign up sheet for my son for the kids read summer program
Hubs again looks at me sideways.
Tell hubs I do so much more than you will ever know.
Wink at hubs
I am not a winker generally so I am not sure how it was perceived
screw it
Go home to the things and grandparents
I tutor super awesome amazing kid
Hubs makes nachos
poor guy it take him and hour to make
So hungry
The things are rabid
blood sugar levels up
bedtime routine
Thing 1 asks me 20 times what we are doing tomorrow
I say we are taking the bus to the brown mall
He then explains for 10 minutes what exact buses we are going to take
Then asks for a new cat as Holly died
He asks if we can take neighbour's cat Lucy
I say no
I ask him if he wants to take his bowling trophies to school for show and tell
He says, "momma no, I don't have show and tell for 20 years!"
Made a joke
awesome kid
anxious kid - half joking half serious
Now in front of computer
stacks of dishes up stairs
6 lesson plans to do
and more emails to respond to
Do not glorify the life of a stay at home working mom.
It is hard freakin work
I feel like a really squandered my time pre-kids
25 year old me, "oh I am so busy!"
35 year old me, "shut up"
but like I always say though
I love it
I would not
trade it for anything
HUGS and Shit
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