Wednesday, 30 July 2014

Epic. River. Day.

Today was day 3 of the river! We love it. No actually we hate it, wait no we love it. yup, love it.

Woke up today at 9:30 AM. Holy shit, thank god, hallelujah! Woke up to Thing 2 talking to his stuffies. When I got into the room he was sitting on his bed surrounded. It looked as if he was giving a uni lecture. I wonder what Thing 2 would teach? Psychology 105: The Art of Manipulating the Parental Units - To Cry or Not to Cry? Or Sociology 230: The Study of Stuffie-Intergration - What do they really do at night?

Downstairs we went where Thing 1 poured himself a bowl of cereal and was reading his train magazine. I thought oh my lanta, give it 10 more years and it will be the paper with a coffee just like his dad. I fix the boys a proper breaky which they barely ate anything. Classic. Thing 1 had his ABA sesh and then our friends came over for epic day 3 river day, so exciting.

We walked on over with 5 boys in tow. Now that is a whole lot of crazy awesome kid energy. Loved it. The river today was busy. The first two days were a smattering of people here and there but today was something else! The water was cold and refreshing and that is where things got epic...

Now Thing 2 has these Thomas the Tank Engine Crocs that he simply cannot live without. He wears them to bed, he hugs them and most times refuses to take them off. Naturally, one of his crocs came off and was floating down the river. One of the 5 things noticed the croc and yelled out to me, I made a dash for it.
This is where moms helping moms is so amazing. My pal took my kids to shore. Another random mom dashed out to Thing 5 as he was trying to chase me. And I looked back thinking, really, are $6 crocs worth this? Then I had an image of Thing 2 hugging his crocs and giving them a uni lecture and how difficult the rest of the day was going to be with out his security crocs. I was gaining on it when I bailed. I heard a collective ooooo from behind, I had an audience, I must press on. I get into a slower moving area with a muddy gooshy bottom ugh, I took and dive again and snagged it! I got to the shallow area and stood up with the croc high above my head when I heard a round of whoops and cheers! Epic momma moment! Take that floaty river! I made my way back to the kids where. Thing 2 stopped crying and grabbed his shoe to put it on and my pal came through for me taking care of the kids. Awesome. I looked down and I had a cut on my hand and leg. Classic. Other moms came over with bandaids and kudos, it was truly an epic afternoon.Its the small things right?

After the epic river time we made out way to the fish n chips in the park where we watched some baseball and had a second lunch. It really does not get any better than that my friends.

Happy kids with shoes: 5
Mommas who had a blast: 2
River 0 - Momma 1
Thing 2 bail count: 4 that I saw
Momma bail: 1
University lecture (Subject unspecified): 1

Hugs and Shit

The Momma

                                              This picture amuses me to no end.

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