Tuesday 1 July 2014

Dandelions and Stuff...

What do you get when you cross a stay at home mom with a business owner? I dunno I am still working out the punchline to my life.

So what happened today?

Woke up to the hubs placing Thing 2 on my bed to which I got a swift Thing 2 heel right in my eye socket. Classic. I honestly saw a star, just one. It hurt, a lot.  It feels like I have a bruised eyeball but I have nothing to show for it. Not even a light shade of purple.

Got the Things dressed and took them on a walk to the river. I made sure this time I had water socks as Thing 2 likes to walk right into the river running shoes and all. He doesn't care. He doesn't even know. 2 year olds... so apathetic to a momma's plight.

We get there and the river was awesome! The boys could easily spend the rest of their days filling the river up with rocks. And hour and half later... dirty, wet and very happy boys. I got some reading and writing in. PURE BLISS! Thing 1 wants to go back tomorrow because, in his words, "Momma we need to fill the river with more rocks for the fish to hide." Thing 2 just keeps saying "Again? Again? Again? Again?" so frackin cute.

We head home and get Thing 2 up for a nap. Thing 2 slept for 3 hours! I was very jealous. I got a bunch of clovers and dandelions from Thing 1. We put them in a little cup. That is where the lucky and precious dandelions go to die. Tutored awesome kid, dinner and now work... such a great day.

Purse rock count: 11
Thing 1 bananer count: 2
Thing 2 bail count: 11
Thing 2 throw-myself-to-the-ground-because-the-world-is-full-of-turds-count: 6
Thing 2 destroying DVDs count: 3
Satisfied Momma of the Things: 1

Thanks for reading you peeping tom...

Hugs & Shit
The Momma

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