So friends... Thing 1 has discovered that you can have fun with water by snorting it. He discovered this in the bath with bath water no less. Thing 1 called me and the hubs int he bathroom to witness this. We were trying to warn him that one of these times the water snorting will burn but we could not stop laughing long enough to tell him. Then it happened. You know the feeling when you jump into the pool and you did not appropriately expel air out of your nose and you get the lovely burning sensation? Well that happened. He panicked a little and said, "Oh no! My burning nose!" Oh my goodness. What a sweet and silly darling. Promptly after the water snorting he had a huge bath fart and gassed himself and lived to tell the tale.
Life is never boring.
By the way if you are bored you are actually sad inside. Boredom is a form of sadness and boredom is the gateway to creativity! So get bored and create magic!
Thing 1 bananer count: 2
Thing 2 bail count: at least 7
Times the Things made me laugh today: at least 15
Movie of the Month: Despicable Me
Hugs and Shit
The Momma
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