* Purchase 20+ items in different places for Thing 1's ABA therapy sessions
* Take all receipts and fill out government forms - photocopy and submit
* Recycle all old Tupperware - old warranties
* Blood work at the lab -required 3 hours and a shit load of fasting
* Make eye Dr.. appointment for Thing 1 - Hope he cooperates this time
* Phonics and Math Game development for my business
* Teachers Pay Teacher site - sell work sheets when come back from edit
* Re-read an Autism book - highlight parts that pertain to Thing 1 for others to read
* Canucks CAN Network sign up and find swimming lessons
* Volunteer with retreat organization
* Literature lady at 12 step meeting, make an order
* Organize Sept tutoring schedule
* Monthly paperwork
* Over the summer project the school gave us
* Need labels to label everything Thing 1 will take to school
* Figure out if I can play field hockey this year re: tutoring schedule
* Back up the hard drive
* Oil change for the car
* Read friend's recently publish book and write a review for her
* Make appointment for Thing 1 to have his cast removed in 2 weeks - Thursday
* Email distant family members pic of Things as I don't post pics of kids on the internet
* Take pics of Things
* 4 dinner club - get it going
* Exercise daily
* Buy more bus tickets for take the bus Friday
* Buy more Apple/mint zylitol gum for tutoring kids
* Pick up lost item from the lost and found downtown
* Potty train Thing 2
* apologize to friend for RSVPing yes to a BBQ and no-showing (yar...)
* Haircuts for Thing 1 & 2
I am feeling quite accomplished!
Thank you to those who reached out and helped!!
Hugs and Shit
The Momma
This really happened. Don't get too excited, this shit doesn't happen every day.
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