Wednesday 27 August 2014

Bucket List

As you can probably tell by now I am a big fan of lists. Lists are the shit. Lists are beautiful. Lists can be organized, alphabetized, arranged by due date, arranged by category, arranged by colour, this list to describe lists can go on and on and on. You can even have an unorganized list because the list its self is a mode to organization. Lists. I live by them. Without my lists and calendar I would be wandering the mean streets of my city wondering when my library books would be due or if my child had school that day or not. I rely heavily on my lists as my brain simply cannot hold the amount of short term information that my life requires. Now that I have shared my passion for lists and organization I am going to share with you my bucket list.

Learn French and have real French conversations
Scuba Dive
Go to a communist country
Learn to drive standard
Join an adult choir
Take opera lessons
Fly a kite on Cannon beach
Zip Trek
Climb Golden Ears
Become a doctor
Grow my own food
Become a beekeeper
Have a home based-business
Learn to make really good Mexican food
Make peace with my addiction to food
Snowboard or ski
Go zorbing
Go on a haunted walking tour
Be a part of a paranormal investigation
Prepare a will
Be a published writer
Trek to Everest Base camp
Learn to play backgammon
See the Aurora Borealis
Travel to Iceland
Plant a tree and watch it grow
Learn how to wear makeup
Wine Tour
Go surfing
Relearn how to read music
Be known for a recipe
Play on a national level team
Volunteer at a hospice
Get over my fear of snakes
Fly in a helicopter
Have kids
Be in a life long commitment with someone
Teach someone to read
Go to a spiritual retreat
Astral travel
Go to Newfoundland
Go to England
By a house with some land

oh my *shudders* lists are amazeballz.

Hugs & Shit

The Momma
                                                     This is a most excellent idea.

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