Thursday, 21 August 2014

Shapshot - Lit. and Fig.

I was writing out my to do list and I thought heck, I will type this shit out. Then I thought heck I will cut and paste out of MS word and share it with the world... do I have a point? Yes, read on...

* Purchase 20+ items in differnt places for Thing 1's ABA therapy sessions
* Take all receipts and fill out government forms - photocopy and submit
* Pay Visa - Thursday
* Pay Telus Bill  - Thursday
* Make new Pics for Thing 1's therapy Pic board
* Tupperware order - Friday
* Recycle all old Tupperware - old warranties
* Blood work at the lab -required 3 hours and a shit load of fasting
* Find babysitting for said fasting blood work
* Make eye Dr.. appointment for Thing 1 - Hope he cooperates this time
* Phonics and Math Game development for my business
* 11 Lesson Plans - Sunday
* Teachers Pay Teacher site - sell work sheets when come back from edit
* Cancel Paid Tupper-site - Thursday
* Extra Meeting with SLP make sure hubs can get 1/2 day from work and in-laws
* Re-read an Autism book - highlight parts that pertain to Thing 1 for others to read
* Take the bus Friday
*  Library - get stamps for reading club and return items - Thursday
* Canucks CAN Network sign up and find swimming lessons
* Volunteer with retreat organization
* Literature lady at 12 step meeting, make an order
* 5 loads of laundry
* change Thing 2's sheets as he peed through his PJs again - Thursday
* Organize Sept tutoring schedule
* Monthly paperwork
* Over the summer project the school gave us
* Need labels to label everything Thing 1 will take to school
* Check in on friend's cat this week
* Refill my perscription
* Pack a picnic - Friday night
* Print off all Tupperware parties for 2014 for tax time
* steam the floors from milk-gate - Thursday
* Figure out if I can play field hockey this year re: tutoring schedule
* Back up the hard drive
* Oil change for the car
* Read friend's recently publish book and write a review for her
* Make appointment for  Thing 1 to have his cast removed in 2 weeks - Thursday
* Email distant family members pic of Things as I don't post pics of kids on the internet
* Take pics of Things
* Arrange for babysitting in the fall 3 hours/week
* Grocery Shop - Sunday
* 4 dinner club - get it going
* Call dad, it's his birthday - Friday
* Invite in-laws over on Sunday for dinner - Thursday
* Exercise daily
* Pick up bday present for 3 year old girl
* Buy more bus tickets for take the bus Friday
* Buy more Apple/mint zylitol gum for tutoring kids
* Pick up lost item from the lost and found downtown
* Potty train Thing 2
* Decline picnic invite and thank the host for the invite
* apologize to friend for RSVPing yes to a BBQ and no-showing (yar...)
* Haircuts for Thing 1 & 2
* Find missing fig bar before the hubs has a fit

So I write this because, it keeps things in perspective for me, keeps me organized, and allows me to prioritize. I do not write this list to feel important or to one-up anyone. For me being busy is not ideal. I want to have hobbies again. I write this down as a reminder. I left a hard job working as an executive assistant downtown making a good salary and you know I have no regrets. This job is 10 times harder and a million times more fun. This is a snapshot of my life right now, I love it. I would not trade it for anything.

Hugs & Shit
The Momma
   My snapshot - As per the recommended guidelines set out by blogger and The Sears Portrait Studio.

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