Sunday, 31 August 2014

Paleo Parenting

Thing 2 started biting a few months ago. I tried the lovingly talking it through method, I tried the "Ouch that hurts mommy!" card, I tried the fake whimpering, I tried the time out, I tried the read a book about it solution. You name it, I tried it. It came to a head one day in the middle of Thing 1's preschool graduation ceremony. I was videoing Thing1's ceremony when I felt this shocking and most horrible jarring pain. I felt Thing 2's arms wrap around my leg like a baby koala when he chomped on me with his sharp jagged baby teeth. It came at such a surprise I actually yelled out, "Oh my God he bit me!" Everyone stopped and looked at me. I laughed and replied, "Sorry! sorry... sorry..." I picked up Thing 2 and took him outside. I had enough of captain bitey-pants. I took his hand and I very casually bit him. Not hard, but enough to shock him. That was the last time he bit anyone. I have come to learn that toddlers are like little cave people. They grunt, bite, use rudimentary tools, they are messy, get into things because they are naturally curious, they stomp, they throw things, they try to be naked all the time, they have the potential to draw on the walls, they run everywhere, they can be nomadic, they smell and lastly, they are all about the survival of the fittest.  I figure sometimes my little caveman needs a different set of parenting skills.  #Paleoparent

Hugs and Shit

The Momma

                A savvy modern-day cave-child demonstrating one of the many uses of her portable cave.

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