Wednesday, 6 August 2014

I bet they won't do that again....

So I have a little story that is a stand up and slow clap kind of story...

A number of years ago, pre-kids, I went to pick up the Hubs from the ferry. You see every year the Hubs goes off with his buddies and has a drinking-mini-golfing'-karaoke-ing weekend on the island. It is really quite a spectacle and I love hearing about their shenanigans. I have to say if there is one way to recharge a dad's batteries, this is the best way for the HUBS. It is a brotherly bromance12+ years running. So it was a beautiful day and I decided I would go to the ferry terminal early: the sun was out, the bay is beautiful. I spend a few hours walking around, having some lunch and reading my book by the ocean, it was absolutely blissful. Now that I have children times like that are far and few between. I wish I had done it more often. I saw the ferry coming into the bay so I made my way to the ferry terminal.

Then this happened:

I was walking on the sidewalk making my way to the arrivals gate when a group of 6 "dad-normal-looking-40-ish-year-old-type-guys" walked passed me. Just when we were side by side I heard one of them say "Hey look Phil, it's your dream girl." in a mocking tone. I looked around to see who they were talking about and they were looking back at me. As they continued on their asshole-walk I started to follow them and yelled, "What the fuck did you just say?" Now 2 things... Number one cat calling is not appropriate whether it is in jest or as a compliment. Number two I know this was in jest. I continued to follow and yell at them publicly shaming them for being creeps, assholes, douche-bags and all around shitty people. The cowards did not look back. They started to walk faster. I went off about how I was someone's daughter and imagine if someone said that to your daughter or wife. In a blind rage I told them how sick it is that they think they can prey on women and how they get off on making people feel uncomfortable. This went on for one block when one of the guys turned around and said, "My friends are assholes ok!" When I responded, "And you are the company you keep!" They went into a pub and that is when I stopped, turned around and headed back to the ferry terminal. I felt sick to my stomach as the adrenaline was coursing through my body. I finally broke down. I was scared, I was pissed, I was beyond talking. Visibly upset I walked down the street when a young guy stood up from his park bench and did a slow-clap. It was a head-shaking, big-smiling, proud of what you just did slow-clap. He commented that he saw the whole thing and that it was awesome! He asked if I was going to be ok to which I said yes. It was him who allowed me to smile and give me a quick shot of faith in humanity. He also said, I am so glad that you did that. I am sure those jerks with think twice about doing that to someone else. This is true. I headed to the ferry and my hubs had arrived and all his buddies. He saw I was upset. I told the guys and they were ready to pummel something. They were extremely supportive and sorry that it had happened.

What I find interesting is that day I was feeling pretty good about myself. I had confidence walking through the world, which is rare in the summer-time. Bullies like that go after the "easy" prey. My weight, they thought, made me fodder for insult without retaliation. They were wrong and boy they were so wrong.This is not the first time something like this has happened to me. Fat is the easy joke. I do not let others define me.

Moral of the story: Don't make fun of this beautiful fat chick because you are going down!

Side note: TBBT should have a drinking game - every fat joke take a drink. I used to love this show, now they have saturated it with fat jokes and justifying fat jokes kind of comedy. boo on them.

                                               Where do I start with this? So many things...

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