Sunday, 13 April 2014
Courtney is the farce today. Courtney, is the farce today?
Disclaimer: I write oodles of run-on sentences and sentence fragments. It is kind of my thing and I am not making any excuses or apologies. If you don't like it, take it up with the good grammar God.
Another day is paradise and I am not even being sarcastic. Today happened. Thank the universe for that. Woke up at 7AM. Thing 1 awake, naturally. Thing1 is an introvert and enjoys the silence and solitude of an early morning. Thing 1 cannot understand why his parents like to sleep. Tried for 10 minutes to put hair in double french braid. Arms tired. Heard Thing 2 knocking on the wall. Heard Thing 1 knocking back. Giggling ensued. Got the Things dressed. Ripped off covers off of hubs. Pissed off the hubs. Kids swap today. Inlaws countdown T-minus 59 minutes. hubs rolls over. insert expletive. Get Thing 1 & 2 dressed, breakfast, rooms back to order, load car with Tupps. Pack a muffin, water and apple for breaky for me. Dressed in my Tupper Best. Things want to watch Polar Express. I say no. Things spontaneously combust. T-Minus 23 minutes until in-laws arrive. pack car. Thing 2 crying. Thing 1 asking questions he already knows answers to. Prepping Thing 1 for the days events. Thing 1 an anxious dude. Prepping mandatory. Hubs jumps in shower. Classic. I prep hubs coffee. Sliced off 10 minutes of his morning routine. Hubs out of shower. I sick the Things on him. I kiss everyone goodbye. Thing 2 bails, again. I head out the door. Kids swap and Shop. Set up shop. Hubs arrives at swap and shop. Date morning. So cute. Side by side tables. I sell Tupperware he sells kids stuff. See some awesome people I know throughout the day. Hold hands with hubs. No Thing 1 to tell us to stop. Sell the crap out of plastic bowls. Nailed it. Pack up. Tutoring awesome kids 2 back to back. 2 hour break. Did nothing. wait no... tided up, sorted Tupps, returned some calls and emails and watched Glee with Thing 1 as Thing 2 and Hubs slept. So yeah I guess I did "mom nothing". (which is everything) I owed hubs a nap time slot as he gave me one yesterday. Love. Thing 2 woke up, hubs woke up Thing 1 farted on me. That is my cue. 3rd and final tutoring kids for the day. Awesome. Gather family. Momma is cooking! McDonalds. Supermom. Home, play, walk. Plan next day a must or Thing 1 will be a tricky customer. Plan: Pack a picnic and got to the park. Baths. Bedtime routine. Incorporated farting sounds in Raffi's "Bananaphone" song. Hilarity ensues. Delay bedtime with repeat bananafart song. Eventually left. Now Blogging. Decompressing. Appreciating everything. Now 3 hours of lesson plans and then bed? oooo maybe read a novel for fun?! ooh giddy up! Hugs to the world and everyone in it! #allfigbarsaccountedfor #lostmuffinandapple

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