Tuesday 29 April 2014

Fact! Banana phones do not accept quarters

So last night the hubs says, "Just take the boys to Jysk tomorrow and pick up the drapes." blink blink blink. stunned. I say, " Have you met the Things? " Gawd the hubs is cute, crazy and delusional, and oh so cute. So against my better judgement we went to Jysk today. Thing 2 managed to grab a bottle of epsom salts from the middle of the display. amazing. Thing 1 managed to arm himself and his brother with some random garden stakes. good. good ideas. Things found the beds. Things found bins of pillows. Things lost their little effin' minds! Good idea husband and great idea me for listening to crazy husband. we were those people at the checkout that held everyone up. Missing tags, thing 2 grabbing random shit, thing one insisting the giraffe was a zebra. I mean he had a point, the giraffe had zebra markings. it was all oh so confusing. The debit machine was beeping at me to remove the card as I wrangled the things and got the heck outta there. I cannot tell you how much balsa wood furniture excites me. So what did I learn? probabaly nothing. I was thinking of going to the library tomorrow. I am typing this on the tablet. I cannot handle this. I am not editing, spell checking meh. nothing. this is frustrating. wait! no polar express today! phew! No  fig bars left to count and no bails by thing 2. great day!!! hugs you crazy bastards reading this! go back to your beautiful lives you peeping toms.

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